It's been quite a while but I have the very best of reasons for my extended hiatus: my beautiful boy. I took some time to finish up the first semester of my translation degree, which I hurried through so I would be finished before the baby came. I scheduled my exams early, made it through them without going into labour, and then I waited. And waited. I went two weeks past my due date, during which time I went for many long walks, used a stairmaster three times a day, had acupuncture, homeopathy and many other non-chemical methods that all kinds of people swore would provoke labour naturally. Nuthin'. Finally, I had to be induced because the little guy wasn't so little and was running out of space and it was no longer safe for him in hotel uterus. The irony of my labour is that I had planned to go all-natural (midwife, birthing centre, etc.) and then ended up having almost every kind of intervention imaginable, including two surgeries and week-long hospital stay. But babies don't care about our plans, and my lovely boy came out big (8 lbs, 12 oz) and healthy, and that's all that matters in the end. I'm on the mend and I'm struck moment by moment by how much I love this tiny person who somehow miraculously appeared in our home. And we get to keep him!
He'll go by baby M. here on the blog, and forgive while I gush and share this photo of his dear, wee feet. My blog posts will no doubt be somewhat erratic for the next little while, as M. is happiest when he's being held or in his sling, which is fine by us - Mr. L is quite gifted at lulling M. to sleep and I'm learning to type with one hand. (In fact, I'm learning to do almost everything with one hand.)
Thanks so much to everyone who has commented and emailed me to ask how we're doing. The answer: besotted!
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