I'm very excited to be able to share early photos of Octavia, my first ever ball-jointed doll. I'm annoyed with myself for not taking more detailed in-progress shots of the early stages, so I'll try to slow down from now on and remember to take more photos. For the most part, I've been following the instructions in Yoshida Style (the photos only, as all the text is in Japanese).
But I have made few modifications: instead of styrofoam, I used spray foam insulation for the core of her head and body. After spraying it into a cardboard box and letting it dry/ expand in the box, I could cut it into pieces and it was then very easy to carve into the shape I needed.
For sculpting most of the doll, I've been using Premier Stone Clay, which Yoshida also recommends - it's much stronger than Paperclay or LaDoll. For smaller details such as facial features, I use LaDoll because it's more dense and easier to control.
Another change I made from Yoshida's instructions was to use drinking straws wrapped in tinfoil as the base for the arms and legs rather than styrofoam. I found trying to carve the foam into pieces thin enough for limbs much too finicky, and by using straws I also don't have to worry about carving out the foam after the clay dries. (You do have to do this for the head and body, but it's easier with the larger pieces.) Below are the arms; in my next post, I'll include photos of a leg being made in stages.
I haven't gotten the proportions exactly as I would have liked (the torso's a bit short, for example) but overall I'm quite happy with how my little Octavia is coming along and I realize that I built the construction of a BJD up in my head as this massive task, it hasn't been as daunting as I'd anticipated. But maybe I'll change my tune when I start adding the joints and trying to string her together! I'll be grouping all posts on Octavia under a single category in the sidebar; while they'll be a far cry from a proper tutorial, I'll try to document the process in as much detail as I can.
I'm really enjoying your posts on BJD's
Can't wait to see her finished, I've been making the soft BJD variety lately
But have wanted to make a clay version
here are the instructions I'm using
this might be a double comment, sorry
I'm having Senior moments today LOL
your fairy friend
Posted by: Kaerie Faerie | August 12, 2010 at 08:45 PM
Are you going to keep her as a "paperclay" doll, or were you thinking of making molds and eventually casting her in porcelain??
She's looking gorgeous so far, I'm just adoring her.... It's such a mystery as to just who she'll be at this stage!!!
Posted by: monika viktoria | August 13, 2010 at 05:19 AM
Nice progress! I also have that book and even thou I love looking at it that is as far as I go, cause I feel is too much for me at this stage. I only been making dolls for 5 months. I love your work, your dolls are my favorites for sure. The link bellow has a translation of Yoshida Style in case you need it! Awesome inspirational work you do! Cheers! Chiao! http://miniatures.about.com/od/referencesandbookreviews/gr/yoshidastylebjds.htm
Posted by: Brenda | August 13, 2010 at 07:50 AM
You are so amazing.
Posted by: Robin Thomas | August 13, 2010 at 09:48 AM
Wow Sarah, she is going to be gorgeous! It's nice to see that you are able to relax and enjoy yourself so much during your pregnancy.
I was wondering if you got a chance to sit out and watch the Perseid meteor shower at it's peak last night? You are in an incredible place to watch it!
Posted by: www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlTJJLf-rpF5NAUUjWl-LWcnIVSOdTB5IU | August 13, 2010 at 10:39 AM
Oops, that was me writing about the meteor shower. I was signed in under some weird account!
Posted by: kristyncooper.blogspot.com | August 13, 2010 at 10:42 AM
Hi there, Sarah! Love so far your bjdoll, I wonder what she's going to be like when finished!
Nice progress and useful "instructions"!
Looking forward to seeing her,
Joanne (from Greece)
Posted by: Joanne Aposyntonistika | August 13, 2010 at 10:46 AM
Hi Sarah! Octavia is looking wonderful! I really like seeing your WIPs.
Posted by: Ashley | August 13, 2010 at 02:21 PM
She's looking wonderful at this stage! Good for you for giving BJD's a try! Can't wait to see her progress!
Posted by: Shelly | August 14, 2010 at 12:11 PM
Hi Kristyn,
We did watch the meteor shower, but it was partly cloudy so not the best night. But we still saw quite a few, and it was nice anyway, lying outside and watching the stars!
shops: blackeyedsuzie.etsy.com, blackeyedsuzie.bigcartel.com
blog: blackeyedsuzie.typepad.com
Posted by: Black-Eyed Suzie | August 14, 2010 at 12:54 PM
I'm glad to see your bjd and so glad to see it's going to be unmistakably Black Eyed Suzie. The Yoshida book is a great reference and I love that you've used your own expertise to tweak his methods and create your own. Good luck with Octavia, I can't wait to see her progress!
Posted by: Melanie | August 15, 2010 at 03:30 PM
this is an interesting link and you can translate it in english
Posted by: Βικυ | August 16, 2010 at 03:36 PM
I can't wait to see it finished.
Posted by: Yoli | August 16, 2010 at 05:24 PM
that was so amazing !!;)
Posted by: free stardoll superstar | August 20, 2010 at 10:59 PM
Octavia will be absolutely stunning when you have completed her. I am already amazed at what you have made in the production of her.
Ball-jointed dolls are not for the 'weak' of heart. I hear stories where people want to 'tear their hair out' as they take hours to create just one doll.
So...cheers to you for being so brave, my dear...thanks for sharing the photos!
Miss Teresa in California
Posted by: Teresa in California | August 21, 2010 at 01:15 AM
wow..I am excited for you ;0)
Posted by: Tracey-anne McCartney | August 25, 2010 at 06:35 PM