I had hoped to have some WIP photos ready for this post, but I'm not quite there...next time for sure. I was fresh out of ideas for post, so I stole the alphabet survey below from another blogger (thanks, Charis!)
A: Age ~ 36…hard to believe, as I remember being a kid and feeling so very sorry for my mom when she turned 36. I figured her life was basically over. But I'm happy to find that I don’t feel old at all…
B: Bed ~ Something I don’t get enough of these days…
C: Chore that you hate ~ Dishes. The WORST. Ever. I actually fantasize about the magical day we’ll have a dishwasher.
D: Dogs ~ We have cats, but I can’t wait to get a dog when we move to the country. (That’s when we’ll get our gorgeous dishwasher, too!)
E: Essential start to your day ~ English breakfast tea in my giant ‘Mrs. Darcy’ mug. (Yes, I have a secret Pride and Prejudice obsession. So girly.)
F: Favourite colour ~ For clothes, I like black, but I also love pink. And deep, wine-coloured reds.
G: Gold or silver ~ silver. My wedding ring is white gold. Can’t pull off gold at all.
H: Height ~ almost 5"9
I: Instruments you play ~ None. I’m not very musically inclined. I played trombone(!) in junior high and high school, but was mediocre at best.
J: Job title ~ writer, dolleteer?
K: Kids ~ a bee-a-oooootiful ten-month old boy who makes me laugh about a thousand times a day.
L: Live ~ Montréal, dans la belle province.
M: Mother's name ~ Suzie
N: Nickname ~ Fabe, Faberlicious.
O: Overnight hospital stays ~ One grueling night in the ER after I broke my knee. Almost a full week after my C-section, which didn’t go quite as planned.
P: Pet peeves ~ People who get in my way because they’re fondling their cellphones. People who nearly run me over because they’re fondling their cellphones. The general erosion of good manners and basic social etiquette. Call me grandma.
Q: Quote from a film ~ “I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed.” (Lloyd Dobler from Say Anything)
R: Right or left handed? ~ Right.
S: Siblings ~ Hannah, David, Jules, Lulu & Tisha (it’s complicated)
T: Time you wake up ~ 12:00am, 2:00am, 4:00am… you get the picture
U: Underwear ~ natural fibres, preferably no seams. I used to have a $5 limit, but have recently increased it to $12 if they’re really comfy.
V: Vegetable you hate ~ Is fennel a vegetable? And those miniature corn cobs in Chinese food – does anyone actually eat those?
W: What makes you run late: My husband. (I’m actually pretty punctual.)
X: X-rays you've had ~ my knee & teeth
Y: Yummy food that you make ~ Unbelievably good chocolate cake (recipe from my step-mom) with raspberry icing.
Z: Zoo animal ~ Zoos make me sad.
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